Curious Artifacts
As museum director for the Cedar Hill Museum of History, it is my duty to search through the collections in our care and locate those curious objects and artifacts labeled forgotten or unimportant. Forgotten indeed, but its unimportance nonetheless absurd. Objects tell stories, and through investigative research and dogged determination for the truth can uncover the most fascinating stories. The CHMH embarked on a journey in 2016 that has consumed me. I discovered a set of piano parts which after a bit of research turned out to be whippens, which is the proper term for the items. As the story goes, the whippens belonged to Adolf Hitler furor of Germany. According to the story, the whippens were taken out of Hitler’s piano at Berchtesgaden, in 1945 to their new home in Cedar Hill, TX. It has since been my and the museum’s mission to try and authenticate these whippens and continue the story through an informative and interactive exhibit. As we continue to authenticate and verify the story I will update the progress here on my website with links to the museum’s website. —Curious